An in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle typically lasts between 4 and 6 weeks, although the length can vary depending on the specific treatment protocol and individual patient needs. But the stimulation itself lasts about 2 weeks. Here's a rundown of the typical stages of an IVF cycle: 1. Menstrual cycle suppression: In some cases, hormonal medication is given to suppress a woman's natural menstrual cycle before IVF treatment begins. 2. Ovarian stimulation: Medications are given to stimulate the growth of multiple follicles in a woman's ovaries. During this period, ultrasound checks and blood tests are performed to monitor follicular development and hormone levels. Egg maturation: Once the follicles reach an adequate size, a hormone injection is given to trigger the final maturation of the eggs. 3. Egg collection: Approximately 36 hours after the trigger injection, a procedure called follicular aspiration is performed to collect the eggs from the ovaries. This procedure is performed under sedation and ultrasound guidance. 4. Fertilization: The collected eggs are combined with sperm in the laboratory to allow fertilization. This can be done using the conventional insemination technique or by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in cases of male fertility problems. 5. Embryo culture: The resulting embryos are placed in an incubator and allowed to develop for several days under optimal conditions. 6. Embryo transfer: One or several good quality embryos are transferred to the woman's uterus through a procedure similar to a cytology test. The number of embryos transferred depends on several factors, such as the woman's age and medical recommendations. 7. Embryo Freezing (Optional) - If there is a risk of hyperstimulation or if there are additional good quality embryos, they can be cryopreserved (frozen) for future use in case the initial transfer is unsuccessful or if you want to have more children in the future without going through a full IVF cycle again. Www.WilsonFertility.com ???????????????????????????? - ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? . ★ ° :. * • ○ ° ★ . * . ★ ° :.☆ . . . . . . . www.CeFivBa.com www.wilsonfertility.com . . . . . . #Cefivba #WilsonFertility #fertilization #Palma #IVF #ArtificialInsemination #invitro #PalmaDeMallorca #IVF #EggDonation #EggFreezing #covid_19 @quironsalud #comet #Infertility #Infertilita #Mallorca #TestErA #TestEmma #TestAlice #IAD #Hyperstimulation #PICSI #IVF #Pregnancy #RIF #ImplantationFailure #IVF #RopaMethod #healthypregnant #pregnancy #pregnancyloss #earlypregnancyloss #lesbian #trans