WHY IS NINTENDO ALWAYS AT THE PEAK? THE HISTORY OF AN ICONIC COMPANY — • WHY IS NINTENDO ALWAYS AT THE PEAK? THE HISTORY... ????We are on Telegram) https://telegram.me/droidergram We have already gotten used to the processor race between TSMC and Intel, but did you know that IBM has not left the game and is reinventing the processor right now. It seemed that the company sold its assets to Lenovo and no longer exists, but in fact, this is not so! IBM earns 14 billion dollars monthly. On what and how? Let's figure it out! Subscribe! ↓ ↓ ↓ https://goo.gl/CbimGk CONTENTS: 00:00 Introduction 01:04 The rise and fall of IBM 04:45 Mainframes. Again? 07:09 AI Mainframe: Telum II and Spyre 09:58 IBM Research and Quantum Computing 11:34 Conclusion ???? Our PODCAST Droidercast: Apple Podcasts: https://bit.ly/droidercast Podster: https://droidercast.podster.fm More videos and reviews on: http://Droider.ru http://VK.com/Droider_ru / droider_ru Boris Vedensky, Valery Istishev and Mitya Ivanov are in touch with you! Smartphone reviews, exhibition reports, news from the world of technology and much more on the most popular channel about gadgets in RuNet Droider.Ru! #IBM #processors #AI #Droider