???? Starter pack towards financial independence: https://formation.investirsontemps.co... ▬▬▬ What I recommend at the moment ▬▬▬ ???? My platform for investing in the stock market: https://www.interactivebrokers.com/re... (possible to earn up to $1,000 in Interactive Brokers shares through my affiliate link) ???? The online bank I use, N26: https://app.n26.com/referral/margauxd... ???? Save every month on your subscriptions (Netflix, Spotify, Youtube Premium, etc.): https://splii.it/1727982044/lp#utm_so... ▬▬▬ To go further ▬▬▬ ???? Save €10,000 without sacrificing your pleasures with the intentional spending plan: https://formation.investirsontemps.co... ???? Invest in the stock market without any experience and generate passive income in 15 minutes per month: https://formation.investirsontemps.co... Small disclaimer: some of these links are affiliate links. You will not find an affiliate link for a product that I do not use or did not like just to earn 1€. You can of course support my work by going through these links which allow me to continue to offer free content. ???? You can also follow me on: My website: https://investirsontemps.com/ Instagram: /investirsontemps