I was depressed for over twenty years. I tried to take my own life. Every day I had suicidal thoughts. I was the loneliest and most unhappy person in the world. And it would be a very sad story if not for the fact that I found the last spark of hope in myself, woke up and began the process of transformation. It took me many years of effort by trial and error. And although I lost my way many times and fell into another life quagmire, today, with hindsight, I am grateful for everything that happened, especially for the suffering, which was the best school of learning happiness. In this film, I talk about how I overcame powerlessness and became one of the happiest people in the world. I am not a scientist and I am not a doctor. I do not recommend anything. I share my example. I know that my path will not be right for everyone. I wish everyone strength, hope and courage. Getting out of depression is possible. Scientific articles mentioned in the film: 1. Moncrieff J, Cohen D, Porter S., The psychoactive effects of psychiatric medication: the elephant in the room. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2013. 2. Remes O, Mendes JF, Templeton P., Biological, Psychological, and Social Determinants of Depression: A Review of Recent Literature. Brain Science, 2021. 3. Moncrieff, J., Cooper, R.E., Stockmann, T. et al. The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence. Molecular Psychiatry, 2022. 4. Langley, C, Armand, S, et al. Chronic escitalopram in healthy volunteers has specific effects on reinforcement sensitivity: A double-blind, placebo-controlled semi-randomized study. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2023.