Hi. How are you? My name is Lucas, I'm 18 years old and I'm a History pre-university student, my goal on this channel is to share my study routine until approval, with study tips, writing, helping students, literary recommendations, enem, entrance exams, history content summaries... Anyway If you want to follow me more closely, follow me on my Instagram @_lucasmoreiraofc ???? Kisses, towards approval ????❤️???????? #entrance exam #enem2024 #futurouniversitario #approval #ufu #unicamp #unesp #fuvest #ufrj #tips #fuvest #enem #vest #test #writing #history #fflch #usp #usprp #entrance examufpr #studies #saopaulista exam #history #freshman #2025 #history #saopaulista exam2024 #usp #ufmg #fuvest #enem2024 #approval #correct answers #vunesp2025 #unesp2025 #entrance exam #futurouniversitario #correct answers #fuvest2025 #fuvest #approval #enem #history #entrance examunicamp #vunesp #2phase #2faseunesp #enem #approval #unesp