"And I will sing of that second kingdom where the human spirit is purged and becomes worthy of ascending to heaven," says Dante in his first canto of Purgatory. But perhaps he is one of the few who still says it. Nowadays, people hardly believe in it anymore. There are essentially two moves to eliminate Purgatory. In a more superficial way, they try to canonize all the dead already during their funerals; a sort of "saint immediately" for everyone, hurray! But the root is a new concept of Mass that now seems to have taken hold: the most clumsy move. If the Mass, in fact, is no longer the expiatory sacrifice of Our Lord who died on the Cross for our sins, it is not clear why these souls should atone for the pains of their sins. However, it is not clear what meaning eternal life could have. Let us return instead to the doctrine of Purgatory and to charity towards the souls in purgatory.