Welcome to my channel, cousin, civil servant! In this video, I'll tell you my story as a civil servant too: how my journey was, how I organized myself, how many hours I studied... and how all of this resulted in my approval at INSS in first place! Come with me and I'll tell you everything! Help me! Subscribe and leave your like to support the channel! There's always free content for you here! Complete course for INSS Technician: https://oprimoconcursado.kpages.onlin... Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/lucasoprimoconcursado Complete playlist with news about civil servant exams: • News about civil servant exams INTERMEDIATE LEVEL exams for 2023: • INTERMEDIATE LEVEL federal exams pre... About the channel: My name is Lucas Guimarães and I was approved in first place in the INSS exam in 2016, with 110 points on the Cebraspe test. I've also taken other tests, some passed, others failed. I've been where you are and I know what it's like to suffer on the journey of a public exam candidate, which can be very lonely at times. Now I want to help other public exam candidates, forming a strong and supportive community here on YouTube. I NEED YOU to be with me in this family! Let's go? #inss2024 #insscompetition #competitions2024 #competitions2023 #howtostudyforcompetitions #yourcousincontestado #comewithyourcousin