Did you like the video and want to support? Click on THANKS. ???? Join the Integrando Conhecimento club: / @integrandoconhecimento ------ References: https://sites.google.com/view/grafeno... A material with the thickness of 1 carbon atom, 1 million times thinner than a sheet of paper, it is the lightest material made by man and also the strongest, with a high degree of transparency and conducts heat 2x better than diamond and electricity better than copper or gold. Related videos: Why is rhodium so expensive? • This metal costs R$4.2 million 1 kg [... Space elevator: • The space elevator is becoming ... ------ Magdiel Schmitz, PhD in electrical engineering (UFSM). Lattes CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0915695672216496 Personal Instagram: / magdielschmitz Personal Twitter: / magdielschmitz Channel Instagram: / integrandoconhecimento Channel Twitter: / intconhecimento ------ Supporters: Junior Scientist Honoree: João Danton Bazilio da Silva Apprentice Honoree: - Eduardo Carvalho Figueiredo - Messias Feitosa - Gabriel Hahn - Lucas Leonardo Jorge