Living faith can move mountains. A belief that takes into account the omnipotence of God. Faith that rises above seemingly insurmountable obstacles because it acts on God's word! The Bible and church history give us very encouraging examples of how people have consciously taken steps of faith. How they trusted God in great trials - and how they were able to rejoice even though victory was not yet visible. #faith #trust #prayer ********* IMPORTANT INFORMATION: You can order FREE DEVOTIONAL BOOKS via the following link (for yourself and to pass on if you like), which we will send to you postage free. We would be happy if the books strengthened and encouraged many Christians in their faith: https://shop.ausglaubenleben.org/ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° You can also order the books in other languages free of charge using the following link: https://www.the-bereans.com/svetlik °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° A VERY BIG THANK YOU to everyone who prays for the work on “Living by Faith”, who sends us feedback via email, who shares these videos with others or who supports the work financially. Support the work via Paypal: [email protected] or simply write an email to: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Website with downloads of the audio files and scripts: https://www.ausglaubenleben.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LIVING BY FAITH on SPOTIFY: https://spotify.link/i7G3yYyk8yb ... and on INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/ausglaubenleben... *********************** Challenging articles on the subject of discipleship and following: https://juengerschaft.org/de-en/ (with daily or weekly newsletter) ---------------------------------------- Short sermons in English: / lifebyfaith24