A workshop from under the roots 🌿👇 https://richtalks.net Direct WhatsApp 👇 https://iwtsp.com/966506572166 ........ Have you ever wondered about the philosophy of livelihood and blessings as mentioned in Surat An-Nahl? 🌿 In this video, we take you on a deep and inspiring journey to understand the meanings of livelihood and blessings that are manifested in the details of daily life, from the rain that irrigates the earth, to the bees that make honey, to the milk that comes out pure from between dung and blood. We will reveal to you secrets that you did not see in these blessings, and how you can apply these deep philosophical concepts to your life to open the doors of livelihood and blessings in a way that did not occur to you. ✨ 📌 Watching this video is an opportunity for a new understanding of life, so do not miss it! #Surat An-Nahl #Philosophy of livelihood #Blessings of blessings #Holy Quran #Inspiration #Livelihood #Interpretation of the Quran #Spirituality #Islamic SEO #Depth of thought #Blessings of life #Meditation Livelihood in Surat An-Nahl, Philosophy of livelihood, How do I open the doors of blessings, Interpretation of Surat An-Nahl, Secrets of livelihood, Quran and blessings, Wisdom in Surat An-Nahl, Meditation on blessings.