A week has passed and we have inspected the work of the preparations. Graminicide is clearly working, but obvious signs will be on the 14th day, it is too early to judge the effectiveness. Cabbage moth, aphids, sawflies were not found on the leaves, the insecticide worked 100%. Growth regulation has passed, there is a tightening of the root collar, now it is curved, but it moves less in the wind. The leaves are stretching upward, i.e. vegetation is underway, which is facilitated by optimal temperatures and precipitation, which are now everywhere. We have controlled dicotyledonous weeds with the preparation Galion at a rate of 0.3 l / ha + insecticide Break at a rate of 0.07 l / ha and added surfactant Bioton 0.08 l / ha. We will continue to observe and inform you about our growth. See you!