Shown and considered how an amplifier on one transistor works. Naturally, it is impossible to assemble a high-quality audio amplifier on one transistor for a number of objective reasons. However, for beginner electronics engineers, as a training and acquisition of certain skills, the circuit of the audio frequency power amplifier UMZCH on only one transistor is quite suitable. In order to minimally introduce distortions into the amplified signal, the transistor should initially be slightly opened. As a result, electric current will flow through the speaker coil and the transistor even in those time intervals when there is no signal at the input to be amplified. The lower the resistance of the speaker voice coil, the greater the amount of current consumed at idle. This leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the entire circuit. For this reason, a more or less decent circuit consists of at least two cascades: a pre-amplifier and an output amplifier, which differ in circuit design. Most often, a push-pull power amplifier is used as an output amplifier. 1. The best course “Electronics for Beginners”: https://diodov.net/moi-kursy/ 2. How a transistor amplifier works: • How a TRANSISTOR works in Reality Myself... 3. How to calculate a transistor switch: • HOW TO CALCULATE A TRANSISTOR KEY Get a high DISCOUNT on the purchase of ALL products: http://ali.pub/3mwkwb Breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtvcu Convenient breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtvyt Serious breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtx4m Flexible jumpers for breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtxj0 Jumpers in a pencil case 14 types 140 pieces: http://ali.pub/3mtxtw Set of resistors 600 pieces, 30 denominations of 20 pieces: http://ali.pub/3muaey Set of transistors: http://ali.pub/3muc1h Buy a good multimeter: RM113D http://ali.pub/3mn1ru Buy a simple multimeter: DT830B http://ali.pub/3mn8qo #amplifier #transistor #electronicsclub