#WiccaCiadasBruxas #covensp #comosabersevocêeumabruxa We are starting a series of videos suggested by our followers, in which we will address a recurring question: are we born or become a witch? What are the signs? Where to start? Solitary or Coven? How to choose the Coven? Perfect love, perfect trust, there is a path within, before looking for a Coven, the calling and the conviction. Wicca Cia Das Bruxas is a coven created 23 years ago. We are dedicated to the teaching, dissemination and practice of witchcraft. Our course is advanced in magic and not merely informative or introductory, in it we do not emphasize topics easily found on websites and books, but on the process of magical development. There is a pre-selection, because being an individual training course, each student will have a development of a magical personality that is something very personal, that is why the course is individual. Currently all of our services are carried out via video conference due to the quarantine 😷 We also have services: ⭐ 🪐 https://wiccaciadasbruxas.com.br/prod... https://wiccaciadasbruxas.com.br/prod... https://wiccaciadasbruxas.com.br/tarot/ https://wiccaciadasbruxas.com.br/sonh... https://wiccaciadasbruxas.com.br/tera... https://wiccaciadasbruxas.com.br/alma... __________________________ MORE INFORMATION: WhatsApp 11 943460428 http://wa.me/5511943460428 https://linktr.ee/Wiccaciadasbruxas www.wiccaciadasbruxas.com.br