In the spring, when our waters are alive, I like to fish for bream. Among them, the bream is one of my favorites. I mostly chase them with a classic, long-bladed feeder, but now, fulfilling a request, I'm fishing for them with a method technique. The location is Tornyiszentmiklós, the Carp Dream Lake, which is famous primarily for its huge carps, but thanks to Misel Zadravec, the bream are not insignificant either. An instructive and (also) fantastic fish comes to life on the film frames. If you're interested in how I method for bream, then this is your video! #fish-tax #fishmatrix Since many of you write to me, I'll link to the items mentioned or used in the video, where they are available. Bait: https://kingbaitswebaruhaz.eu Mainline Match Captiv-8 Flavored Colorant: https://feederstore.hu/termekek/aroma... Mainline Match Coarse Sticky Syrup: https://feederstore.hu/termekek/aroma... Ringers Wafter Pack Mini: https://feederstore.hu/termekek/csali... https://www.fishmatrix.co.uk/hu/