One of the things that most affects a supermarket is the mindset of its owners. If you are a supermarket owner, you need to know how to work to improve your results, motivate your team and have a better business. You need to improve your mindset to achieve better results in your supermarket. Sign up for the Masterclass Double Your Supermarket's Profits, which will take place on May 18th, 20th and 21st, at 8:30 pm: https://leandrorosadas.com.br/masterc... Sign up for the Operation 0:07 project: https://leandrorosadas.com.br/projeto007 Join my Telegram group, where I give you daily tips to improve your supermarket: https://leandrorosadas.com.br/masterc... Learn how to organize your store to stimulate sales, increase the average ticket and help sell products with a higher profit margin: https://layoutinteligente.com.br/ To buy my course Leader that Generates Profit: http://bit.ly/liderquegeralucro The best Loss Prevention Community: https://leandrorosadas.com.br/prevencao Listen to my podcast on Spotify: http://bit.ly/podcastleandrorosadas Follow my blog with daily tips to help you improve your supermarket: http://blog.leandrorosadas.com.br/ Follow me on my social networks, where I post tips and answer questions every day: / leandrorosadas / leandrorosadas VDCP2024