???? You need to know that Sam Altman's team is fighting disinformation as best they can. At least I hope so. Because, not surprisingly, ChataGPT and DALL-E are also trying to use it for this purpose. We're talking about five different campaigns over the last three months. Some of them were previously quite widely known, others we're learning about for the first time. How did they manage to reveal them? What is AI used for in such operations? And can this be remedied in any way, for the future? Sources: ???? Disrupting deceptive uses of AI by covert influence operations, OpenAI https://openai.com/index/disrupting-d... ???? Meta's Adversarial Threat Report 2023Q3 https://transparency.fb.com/sr/Q3-202... ???????? Exclusive: Iran-based political influence operation - bigger, persistent, global https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSK... ???? The Breakout Scale: Measuring the impact of influence operations https://www.brookings.edu/articles/th... If you don't trust shortened links (very good!) then add a plus '+' at the end of them. This way you can see where they lead on bit.ly/tinyurl. Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/632/ © All trademarks are property of their rightful owners. ❤️ Thank you for your attention. You can also find me on: Instagram @mateuszemsi / mateuszemsi Twitter @MateuszChrobok / mateuszchrobok Mastodon https://infosec.exchange/@mateuszchrobok LinkedIn @mateuszchrobok / mateuszchrobok Patronite @MateuszChrobok https://patronite.pl/MateuszChrobok Podcasts on: Anchor https://anchor.fm/mateusz-chrobok Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/6y6oWs2... Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3OwjvOh Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:06 Operations 02:12 Bad Grammar - Russia 03:38 DoppelGänger - Russia 05:20 Spamouflage - China 07:10 IUVM - Iran 08:31 Zero Zeno - Israel 10:09 Tools 12:30 Distribution 14:38 Reaction 16:34 What to Do and How to Live? #OpenAI #report #disinformation #ai #Russia