On November 12, 2022, solo idol Yufy, also known as Terashima Yufu, took the 1st and 2nd grade exams on the same day! With the support of Nihogon, she has been diligently collecting stationery and studying every day since this summer, but what will be the results of her first exam...? Once again, thank you to everyone who took the exam! Please look forward to the answer explanations in the future! ✏️This video is a collaboration project with Nihongo Kentei✏️ Nihongo Kentei HP https://www.nihongokentei.jp Terashima Yufu HP http://yufuterashima.com Nihogon Twitter / nihogonofficial Terashima Yufu Twitter / terashima_yufu 32nd Nihongo Kentei Tokyo Venue Report 21,484 people from Japan and abroad took the exam https://www.nihongokentei.jp/article/...