The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Nightmare before Christmas or The Strange World of Jack is a stop motion film from Disney and the talented director Henry Selick and Tim Burton who was the producer of the film and was in charge of creating the story of the original poem and creating Jack Skellington and the different characters that inhabited the town of Halloween Town or the World of Halloween. Oogie Boogie works as the main antagonist of the film and the original story since he is a kind of bogeyman or boogeyman who seeks to eat Santa Claus and Sally and after he thinks that Jack Skellington has died, he plans to conquer the world of Halloween again and claim it as his own. Curiously, as we can see in the movie, Oogie Boogie is defeated since Jack Skellington was still alive and he used the machines present in Oogie Boogie's lair that were under the tree house and used the cord to destroy his body that is made of the fabric of what appears to be an old potato sack, this is what causes all the insects to come out of his body in a rather brutal and grotesque way, with the insects or bugs that fell into the fire present in this place. Interestingly as we know thanks to the official sequel video game of the movie known as The Nightmare Before Christmas Oogie's Revenge it is shown that this monster managed to survive in an unexpected way, since as seen in the game, some of Oogie Boogie's insects managed to survive because they did not fall into the fire and hid inside the lair, with Santa Claus who thought he crushed the last one but this is not the case, on the other hand the children or henchmen of Oogie Boogie called Lock, Shock and Barrel who found the insects and saved them, also as in the game we can see how the essence of Oogie Boogie managed to survive and when Jack leaves the world of Halloween, the children cook him again and he returns more powerful and brutal than before. That is why in this video I will explain in detail the history and origins of Oogie Boogie, how he came to the world of Halloween and how he was defeated twice by Jack, I will also explain how Oogie Boogie really survived and how he returned one last time during the events of the video game that is a direct sequel to The Nightmare Before Christmas, finally I will explain everything we know about this memorable character and if he is still alive after this last defeat.