I wish I could live like that! In a hole A dugout house is one of the oldest types of housing. There are plenty of fans of settling in a hole like a fairy-tale hobbit — they are attracted by the simplicity and convenience. We will explore the amazing designs of holes and dugouts of real representatives of the underground animal world. How about a mole palace with a personal subway or an ideal burrowing owl apartment purchased on the secondary market? But maybe you will be especially impressed by the hunting lodge of an ant lion? 00:00 Introduction 01:23 Useful underground dweller 03:01 Mole's dwelling is like a subway 05:54 Experiment: trying to live like a mole 10:13 Meme burrowing owl 11:16 How is a burrowing owl different from other owls? 13:12 Owls love secondary housing 14:24 People build real estate for owls 15:38 How owls avoid attacks 18:01 Meerkats drive others out of their burrows 19:29 The most common reason for the death of meerkats 20:04 How life is organized in a meerkat clan 21:15 Ladies' fights with a sad outcome 22:53 What do meerkats eat 24:02 One of the most creepy insects 24:48 Antlion - a brilliant engineer 25:32 How to build a trap using antlion technology 32:05 300 kg of primeval strength 33:57 Winter home of bears 36:14 Dirt den of a female bear 37:28 These bears have never seen summer 39:10 Den of a female polar bear bear 41:14 Architect evaluates animal homes #livingplanet #animals #nature #interesting #burrow