A toxic person will only be as toxic to us as we allow them to be! WE - we enable their game, a game that is only about winning in the form of self-esteem. What toxicity hurts the most is the same thing that protects you from its toxic influence on your empathetic soul and good, honest heart. So today I give you the green light! Don't let yourself be manipulated any longer, dare to implement my relationship advice from today into your life and see how their energy drops and in the end it is they who feel powerless, lose control! *at the same time remember to take care of yourself and be sensible and safe! LOVE, Maxi CONSULTATIONS: https://maxistosunkowo.wixsite.com/we... RESET COURSE: Start supporting this channel and you will get these bonuses: / @stosunkowo All information on the relatively channel is created for entertainment and informational purposes. The published content cannot be a substitute for the help of a specialist.