How did the ancients begin to improve their tools? How did our ancestors glue the tip to the handle? What is the microlithic insert technique and how was it used? And why can't all subsequent human achievements compare to the Stone Age? In this episode of "Drobyshevsky. Homo sapiens" Stanislav Drobyshevsky tells how ancient people were able to improve their tools. Subscribe to the RTVI Telegram channel: https://t.me/rtvimain The new world is already here: @RTVIchronicles 00:00 "Drobyshevsky. Homo sapiens" 00:43 "A new megatechnology has appeared - tips" 01:40 How were tips attached to handles? 03:48 How did our ancestors improve their tools? 06:20 "Microlithic insert technology appeared" 10:05 On the use of poisons on tips 12:56 "One of the most powerful technologies was the use of fire" 18:07 How did Neanderthals extract chemicals with fire? 22:45 On rope weaving 24:50 "All subsequent achievements are the top on the gigantic base of the Stone Age" We thank the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University on Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 2 for their help in filming the episode Subscribe to @RTVItainment and like RTVI News - all the main events in 24/7 format: / myrtvi