PUT IN HD A very hard video to post, I love you thank you for your kindness and your love for so many years❤️ RESOURCES: NIGHTLINE: "Nightline aims to free speech on mental health issues" https://www.nightline.fr/paris 3018: "Number to support young people, parents and professionals on all issues related to digital technology (cyber-harassment, revenge porn, webcam blackmail, identity theft, gender-based or sexual violence, exposure to violent content), its uses, its potential dangers and its consequences on health. » https://e-enfance.org/numero-3018/bes... 3919: Number that helps victims of sexual violence https://www.service-public.fr/particu... No to harassment: https://www.education.gouv.fr/non-au-... Internet without fear: https://www.internetsanscrainte.fr 3114: National suicide prevention number IF I forgot any associations or numbers, don't hesitate to put them in the comments! My social networks: ????Insta: @m.bf_ ????Snap: mayabf ????Tiktok: mayabf ????Twitch: MayaBF ????Twitter: @mayabf2805 ????Professional contact: [email protected]