How to spend less when taking a loan? Why is it better to buy now than rent and save money for a down payment? What is the advantage of leasing? How to increase your attractiveness to the bank? How do I find out my credit rating? What are the rumored ways to improve your credit rating? What is needed to get a real estate loan when working under an employment contract and under an individual activity or business license? How to reduce your liabilities? What is the maximum percentage of income that can be allocated to the monthly loan payment? How do banks calculate the maximum loan amount? What are the biggest myths about real estate loans? What can and should be negotiated with banks? What are the types of interest and how are they different? Do banks apply discounts on administrative fees? If you still have questions after the video, you can contact us on Facebook or Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... / skerysnt Thank you for the cooperation space Editorial. If you want to rent a workplace or a mini-office, take a look at their website: https://www.redakcijacoworking.lt/ 00:00 Introduction 00:17 Down payment 02:23 Attractiveness to the bank 06:17 Negotiations with the bank 09:28 Summary