Ultenic AC1 Elite Cordless Vacuum Cleaner (free product): PROMO CODE of -15 euros (valid until June 2): AUDEAC1E https://bit.ly/3Vmh7iF List of basic ecological household products: Citric acid Percarbonate Baking soda White vinegar Black soap soda crystals... Kuvings AUTO 10 juice extractor (affiliate link): Enjoy -10% on the entire Warmcook site (even during sales!) with the code AUDEJATTEAU https://cutt.ly/extracteur-jus Berkey water purifier: (affiliate link) https://cutt.ly/berkey ✨ Receive your FREE ANCHORING PACK: Several new meditations, practical advice... https://www.ecole-eveil.fr/ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ NOT TO BE MISSED ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ▬▬▬▬▬ DISCOVER ME ▬▬▬▬▬ • WEBSITE https://www.ecole-eveil.fr/ • PRIVATE EMAILS (written by Aude Jatteau in person): https://cutt.ly/mails-prives • FACEBOOK / audejatteau • INSTAGRAM / audejatteau ▬▬▬▬▬ IN THIS VIDEO ▬▬▬▬▬ How to do your ecological and zero waste cleaning? What products to use? How to use them? Bicarbonate of bunker, percarbonate, citric acid, white vinegar... How to clean your floor effectively with a vacuum cleaner with a washing broom from the Ultenic brand? #housecleaningroutines #housecleaning #ecologicalcleaning #ultenic #ultenicAC1Elite #cleanwithultenic #vacuumcleaner #cleaning #clean #promo