How to get a lease for taxi drivers 1. If there is a problem with the bank, they do not give a loan - you can take it on lease (rollout) 2. Required: no convictions for serious articles and no unpaid fines over 10,000 rubles. 3. Accumulate a deposit of 100 thousand rubles. 4. Mandatory work in the specified taxi fleet for the entire period of payments for the car. 5. A payment schedule of both daily and monthly is possible. 6. In case of termination of payments and a decrease in the deposit to 50,000 rubles - the leasing company will begin the procedure for seizing the car. 7. Everyone chooses cars for themselves on Avito, Avto ru or other resources. 8. Cars must be only with VAT. 9. Car maintenance at the driver's expense. 10. OSAGO and CASCO are included in the cost of the leasing amount (first year)