Most of the products are Eau de Parfum and those without special comments are recommended for both men and women! #Diptyque #Perfume This is a review based on my own experience without advertising. 😙 Please take a look for reference🙏🏻 ✔️ 00:18 Basic perfume terms (Eau de parfum/toilet) ✔️ 00:37 Philosykos edp ✔️ 01:21 Tamdao edp ✔️ 01:45 L'Ombre Dans L'Eau edp ✔️ 02:33 VETYVERIO edp ✔️ 03:18 EAU DE MINTHÉ edp ✔️ 03:47 EAU ROSE edt ✔️ 04:25 FLEUR DE PEAU edp ✔️ 04:49 EAU CAPITALE edp ✔️ 05:25 Eau Duelle ✔️ 05:50 Eau edo OYÉDO Edt ✔️ 06:22 Tempo TEMPO edp ✔️ 07:01 Doson DOSON edp ✔️ 07:38 #Audence EAU DES SENS edt