HONDA - The 100-year journey of the world's most powerful motorcycle empire Business story At the end of 2019, Honda ranked 4th in the Top 10 most valuable car brands in the world with 11,749 million USD. This achievement even surpassed famous luxury car brands such as Audi or Porsche. Welcome back to the bull and bear academy. In this digital business story, let's take a look back at the history of the formation and development of the Honda brand --------------------------------- ???? Open a securities trading account at Entrade X via this link and follow the steps to receive 200k immediately, my dear friends: https://s.bovagau.vn/1etTfu ???? Opportunity to become a shareholder with Bull and Bear, join the registration to buy DSE shares at DNSE's online IPO session at https://s.bovagau.vn/dangkyIPO --------------------------------- ???? See more of our other entertainment content on the channels: Facebook Group: https://s.bovagau.vn/fbhvbvg Tiktok: https://s.bovagau.vn/tthvbvg Website: https://bovagau.vn/ Link to the article about Kinh Do: https://www.dnse.com.vn/hoc/kido-hanh...