Now you can also make that professional burger, just like the ones from the famous burger joints, at home! And the best part is that it's very simple and quick, without smoke, dirt or mess in the kitchen, without using a single drop of oil, just with meat and nothing else. A soft, juicy burger, full of flavor!!! Check out the full Hamburger recipe at this link: https://fritadeirasemoleo.blogspot.co... Homemade Hamburger Buns: http://bit.ly/2TXfjuQ or http://bit.ly/2U4VIZR My cookbooks: http://bit.ly/LivrosFSO Buy your AirFryer and accessories at this link: https://fritadeirasemoleo.blogspot.co... Visit my blogs: Oil-Free Fryer - https://fritadeirasemoleo.com.br Pressure Cooker Recipes - https://receitasnapressao.com.br Bread Machine - https://maquinadepao.com.br Sou Gourmet - https://sougourmet.com.br Follow me: / mauricioloiolarodrigues Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] #MauricioRodrigues #OilFreeFryer #ReceitasMauricioRodrigues Music CC BY License 4.0 Title: Positive Rock and Dudel Blues- Artist: Nicolai Heidlas @NHeidlas / nicolai-heidlas