A homemade ASMR for you to sleep deeply feeling INTENSE chills! Today I'm examining your eyes with a FLASHLIGHT, testing your CRANIAL NERVES with hand movements. Homemade ASMR - (Surgery) Examining your EYES with FLASHLIGHT - Cranial Nerves, hand movements . . . . . . . . asmr, homemade asmr, asmr light, asmr brazil, asmr eye exam, asmr cranial nerves, asmr with flashlight, asmr intense chills, asmr cranial nerve exam, asmr examining your eyes, asmr surgery, asmr follow the light, asmr fast, asmr hand, asmr hand movements, asmr roleplay, asmr eye surgery, asmr latex gloves, asmr doctor, asmr taking care of you, asmr eye massage, asmr massage, asmr tapping, asmr light exam