After a long time, a full-body workout! Everyone can find 20 minutes, so let's get into sports, let's work out! Don't forget to support me with a like if you liked the video and write a comment about how you felt at the end of the workout! Do you enjoy exercising with me? Then definitely try my FITNESS PROGRAM that will get you in shape! You can find it at this link. - https://fitbypeta.cz/e-book-fit-s-petou/ RESISTANCE BANDS - https://fitbypeta.cz/produkty/5791/ MY HEALTHY COOKBOOK - https://fitbypeta.cz/e-book/2-cvicebn... EXERCISE MAT - https://fitbypeta.cz/produkty/mybodym... LIST OF FAVORITE PRODUCTS - http://aktin.cz/peta .................................................................... FOLLOW MY SOCIAL NETWORKS & BLOG! ❤ INSTAGRAM : @jmenujisepeta ❤ FITBYPETA : @fitbypeta ❤ BLOG : http://www.blogbypeta.cz ❤ FACEBOOK : / blogbyp MY FITNESS PROGRAMS ➞ E-BOOK FIT WITH PÉŤA - https://fitbypeta.cz/e-book-fit-s-petou/ ➞ E-BOOK FIGHT FOR A NEW BODY : https://fitbypeta.cz/e-book/ ➞ CHALLENGE : https://fitbypeta.cz/30-denni-vyzva/ ➞ DIETS, TRAINING PLANS, COACHING - https://fitbypeta.cz/sluzby/ COOPERATION, QUESTIONS ❤ [email protected]