Kanal D's popular program "Evrim Akın İle Ev Gezisi" hosted by Evrim Akın continues to make surprise visits to the homes of famous people. This week, the program was a guest at the home of beloved commentator Mehtap Yılmaz, known as Popstar Mehtap! Popstar Mehtap, who opened the doors of her home to Evrim Akın ile Ev Gezisi for the first time, made some striking confessions! Adding color to the program with her entertaining conversation and sincere explanations, Mehtap Yılmaz also shares the details about the health problem she is experiencing with the audience on the program! Popstar Mehtap, who will provide enjoyable moments to the audience, will add color to "Evrim Akın İle Ev Gezisi" with her entertaining songs. ''Evrim Akın İle Ev Gezisi'' is on Kanal D every Sunday at 12.45 with its new episodes! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: ➤ https://www.youtube.com/user/kanald?s... Kanal D Live Broadcast: ➤ https://www.kanald.com.tr/canli-yayin Kanal D Broadcast Stream: ➤ https://www.kanald.com.tr/yayin-akisi #evrimakın #evrimakınileevgezmesi