Kanal D's popular program "Evrim Akın ile Ev Gezisi" hosted by Evrim Akın continues to make surprise visits to the homes of very famous people. This week, Evrim Akın is visiting the home of fashion designer Ebru Şancı Öztürk where she lives with her footballer husband Alpaslan Öztürk. Famous fashion designer Ebru Şancı Öztürk, who has drawn attention with her sensational statements, social media posts, and commentary that has left its mark on the magazine agenda, opened the doors of her three-story house with a garden for the first time to "Evrim Akın İle Ev Gezisi". "Evrim Akın İle Ev Gezisi" will be on Kanal D with its new episode on Sunday, September 1st at 13:00! Evrim Akın, who has always won the appreciation of the audience with her colorful personality and pleasant conversation, will witness the very special lives of very famous people by visiting their homes. Kanal D's "Evrim Akın İle Ev Gezisi" hosted by Evrim Akın is on Kanal D! Evrim Akın and Home Tour on Sunday at 13.00 on Kanal D! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: ➤ https://www.youtube.com/user/kanald?s... Kanal D Live Broadcast: ➤ https://www.kanald.com.tr/canli-yayin Kanal D Broadcast Stream: ➤ https://www.kanald.com.tr/yayin-akisi #evrimakınileevgezmesi #evrimakın #ebruşancıöztürk