Join us, Knights of the Virgin, in praying the Holy Rosary ????️ At Knights of the Virgin, we believe in the power of prayer and the importance of keeping our faith alive. Therefore, we invite you to join our community in praying the Holy Rosary, every day at 6:30 pm. This is a special time for us, where we gather in devotion and reflection, strengthening our union with the Blessed Virgin Mary and with each other as a community. ???? Make prayer a part of your everyday life ???? No matter where you are, you can be a part of this sacred time. Through prayer, we seek to inspire and bring peace to our hearts and to the world. Remember, praying the rosary is more than an act of faith; it is a manifestation of love and devotion. So, mark your calendar, set your alarm, and get ready to join us on this spiritual journey. We hope to see you there! _________________________________________________________ ???? Receive all the updates from the Caballeros de la Virgen Channel through WhatsApp ???? https://chat.whatsapp.com/LRLkYMs2Xlw... ???? Find us on our social networks: ???? Facebook: / loscaballerosdelavirgen ???? Instagram: / caballeros_de_la_virgen ???? Twitter: / cab_virgen ???? TikTok: / caballerosdelavirgen ???? Website: https://caballerosdelavirgen.org/ ???? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3jYcXsL... ???? Join our Community of Faith and Spiritual Growth #CaballerosDeLaVirgen #catholicrosary #rosary #rosaryoftheday #rosaryoftheday