THE HOLY ROSARY of Lourdes today Monday, joyful mysteries ❤️❤️❤️❤️ HELP US SUPPORT THE PROJECT OF SPREADING PRAYER WITH A SMALL DONATION! ALL UNITED WE CAN DO GREAT THINGS! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ _______________________________________ #ilrosariodioggi #rosariodioggi #santorosariodilourdes #rosariolourdesoggi #rosariodilourdesoggi #ilrosariodioggi __________________________________ 0:00 Holy Rosary 4:43 Second mystery 8:57 Third mystery 13:10 Fourth mystery 17:27 Fifth mystery __________________________________ ® Produced by Gospel of Life © ™ Total or partial reproduction or copying without the authorization of the Channel is prohibited. It leads to a legal relationship with YouTube.