Holy Marian Rosary - Luminous Mysteries #santoterço, #terçomariano, #santoterçomistériosluminosos, #padrobsoncanalvidaplena In this Holy Marian Rosary today, we will contemplate the luminous mysteries of Our Lord Jesus. First Luminous Mystery: Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River Second Luminous Mystery: Self-revelation of Jesus at the Wedding at Cana Third Luminous Mystery: Announcement of the Kingdom of God Fourth Luminous Mystery: Transfiguration of Jesus Fifth Luminous Mystery: Institution of the Eucharist May this Holy Marian Rosary bring many blessings into your life! So let us pray together! Share: • HOLY ROSARY - Luminous Mysteries - 2... Follow me on Social Media: Instagram: https://bit.ly/3q6y80E Facebook: https://bit.ly/331fluF YouTube: https://bit.ly/3F6rKuz #padrerobsondeoliveira, #midnightprayer, #eternalfather, #holyterryonthursday