A GIFT FOR A "BIRTHDAY"???????????? • A GIFT FOR A "BIRTHDAY"???????????????? REVIEW OF "Small-leaved" HOYA ???? FLOWERING OF HOYA "MATILDA" • REVIEW OF "Small-leaved" HOYA ???? FLOWERING OF H... I BOUGHT A LEAF OF HOYA "CLEMENSIORUM" (Hoya clemensiorum) ????????MY HEAD IS SPINNING WITH HAPPINESS???? • I BOUGHT A LEAF OF HOYA "CLEMENSIORUM" (Ho... There are several types of hoya that are considered easy to care for and ideal for beginner gardeners. Here are a few of them: 1. *Hoya carnosa:* This is perhaps the most popular type Hoya. It does not require special care and easily tolerates adverse conditions. The plant grows best in bright but diffused light and can be watered immediately after the top layer of soil dries out. The flowering of the common Hoya is very beautiful and fragrant. 2. *Hoya carnosa 'Kerrii':* This type of Hoya is distinguished by its thick, juicy, heart-shaped leaves. Hoya kerrii is also an unpretentious plant and requires minimal care. It prefers bright but diffused light and moderate watering. 3. *Hoya lacunosa:* This type of Hoya has small, beautiful flowers and dense, green leaves. Hoya lacunosa is easy to care for and loves a bright place without direct sunlight. It does not require frequent watering and tolerates drought. 4. *Hoya pubicalyx:* This type of hoya has large, dark green leaves and beautiful flowers. Hoya sucuba prefers bright light and moderate watering. This plant is great for home conditions and does not require special care. 5. *Hoya carnosa 'Rubra':* This type of hoya has beautiful dark green leaves with red hues. Hoya carnosa is easy to care for, it prefers bright light and moderate watering. It is a good choice for those who are just starting to deal with plants. In general, hoyas are a great choice for those who are looking for unpretentious and beautiful plants for their home. Regardless of the choice of species, it is important to remember the basic rules for caring for hoya: provide them with bright light, moderate watering and regular fertilization. With proper care, hoyas will delight you with their beautiful flowers and green leaves.