The Exodus from Egypt and the Babylonian captivity, Sephardim and Ashkenazim, Hasidim and Zionists, pogroms and anti-Semites, the Beilis affair and the Holocaust, Judea and Israel — everything is laid out on the shelves in one short video. And if 18 minutes is not enough for you, listen to 13 detailed lectures on the history of the Jews on the Arzamas website https://arzamas.academy/likbez/jews or in the Arzamas Radio app https://arzamas.academy/radio. The project was prepared jointly with the ANO Scientific and Humanitarian Center Sefer @TheSefer1994. Listen to all Arzamas courses and podcasts on the website or in the app — you can buy a subscription here https://arzamas.academy/promo, and the promo code ISTORIYAREEV (HISTORY OF JEWS) gives you a 20% discount. *** Arzamas is an educational project about the history of culture https://arzamas.academy. To stay up to date with new materials, follow us on social networks: VK: https://vk.com/arzamas.academy Twitter: / arzamas_academy Telegram: https://t.me/ArzamasLive