• HISTORY OF THE COMMEMORATION OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S BIRTHDAY... HISTORY OF THE COMMEMORATION OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S BIRTHDAY KYAI MUCHTAR MU'THI SYECH MUCHTARULLOH AL MUJTABA #maulidnabi #tasawuf #thoriqoh BISMILLAHIRRAHMAANIRRAHIIM BY THE BLESSINGS OF ALLAH'S GRACE HISTORY OF THE COMMEMORATION OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S BIRTHDAY- KYAI MUCHTAR MU'THI SYECH MUCHTARULLOH AL MUJTABA The month of Rabbi'ul Awal, all Muslims in the world always commemorate the PROPHET MUHAMMAD'S BIRTHDAY, except for Muslims who have the WAHABI ideology. The 5 main points of this study are: 1. When did the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday begin to be commemorated? 2. Where was the first time the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday was commemorated? 3. Who was the first person to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday? 4. What is the legal basis for commemorating the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday according to the Qur'an and Hadith? 5. What is the wisdom of commemorating the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday? Please watch and listen carefully... hopefully it will be useful. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, SHARE, and TURN ON THE BELL #maulid nabi #thoriqoh #shiddiqiyah #islam