Optional support for Deep Podcast: / @deeppodcast Instagram: / deep.podcast Telegram Channel: Https://www.telegram.me/deeppodcast ـ In this video, we want to discuss the history of Saudi Arabia and the history of the Arabian Peninsula, and especially to reveal the secret of the Arabian Peninsula and the conditions of the Arabian Peninsula before Islam. Contrary to what we think, Saudi Arabia had its own history and civilization before Islam, and some Arab tribes in the Arabian Peninsula had an independent government and culture. However, the problem with Saudi Arabia before Islam was that the Arab tribes did not have the power to concentrate, meaning we do not see any central power or independent country, and all Arab governments and tribes were scattered throughout the Arabian Peninsula and the Najd Plateau. One of the things that the Arabs of the pre-Islamic period in the Arabian Peninsula did before the advent of Islam was to constantly raid other Arab tribes in Arabia and defeat them. Then they plundered all the property of that Arab tribe in the Arabian Peninsula. These raids are mentioned in the history of Arabia and the history of the Arabian Peninsula because of the wars between the tribes of Arabia. The Arabs of Arabia before Islam are called the Arabs of the pre-Islamic period because they were constantly fighting and killing each other. The Arabs of the pre-Islamic period in the history of Arabia before Islam were warlike people. Whenever they were defeated by another Arab tribe in Arabia, they would go to that tribe and destroy that tribe in the Arabian Peninsula, thus taking revenge on that tribe in the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabs of the pre-Islamic period in the history of Arabia before Islam were constantly at war with other tribes in Arabia. Meanwhile, in the Arabian plateau or in the Arabian Peninsula, we had bands of bandits. These bandits attacked other tribes in Arabia in They raided the Arabian Peninsula and plundered their property. In the history of Saudi Arabia and the "History of the Arabian Peninsula", it is stated that some Arab tribes in Saudi Arabia used to pay ransom to the bandits of Saudi Arabia in order to be safe from the bandits. This was before the "History of Saudi Arabia" when they were among the wealthy tribes, and in this way the bandits had nothing to do with these wealthy tribes in Saudi Arabia. We talked about Saudi Arabia in this podcast series on the history of Saudi Arabia and the history of the Arabian Peninsula in its entirety. In the first part of the (Saudi History Podcast Series), we discussed the Arabian Peninsula before Islam and we will see what the history of Saudi Arabia was like before Islam and when the Al Saud family took power in Saudi Arabia and called Al Saud (the peninsula) Saudi Arabia after themselves, and the Arabian plateau or the Arabian Peninsula became the "country of Saudi Arabia". These parts are related to the "contemporary history of Saudi Arabia", which we will discuss later. Saudi Arabia has a very interesting and fascinating history. In these podcast series on the history of Saudi Arabia, we will see that the Arabian Peninsula It was a religious peninsula from the beginning, and the Arab tribes and peoples believed in a specific religion from that time on. However, most of the Arabs of the pre-Islamic period were nomads during the history of Arabia before Islam, and the pre-Islamic Arabs were idolaters. The cities of Mecca and Medina in Arabia were considered important cities in the "history of Arabia" in that ancient period. Arab people and tribes would go to Mecca and Medina for pilgrimage and would make pilgrimages there. One of the sources for understanding the history of Arabia before Islam and also the pre-Islamic Arabs of the pre-Islamic period is the book of Muslims, namely the book of the Quran. The Quran is the book of Muslims, which gives us very interesting information about the history (of Arabia before Islam) and introduces us to the Quraysh tribe. The Quraysh tribe is one of the important tribes in Arabia and is considered a well-known tribe in pre-Islamic Arabia. A large number of regions of the Arabian Peninsula and the regions of the Arabs and the Arabs of the pre-Islamic period lived under the banner of the Quraysh tribe in the history of Arabia before Islam and before the formation of the country of "Saudi Arabia". It was the Quraysh tribe that took control of the important cities of Arabia, namely "Mecca" and "Medina". In the past, the name of "Medina" in the Arabian Peninsula was "Yathrib". Later, with the emergence of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula, this city, Yathrib, in the Arabian Peninsula was renamed Medina. __________ Track: ottoman empire – Musica por la Face / ( https://musicaporlaface.com) License: Creative Commons CC BY – ND 4.0 attribution-Noderivatives