The Holy Quran conveys to us the lives and struggles of many prophets who guided humanity and were tasked with conveying the message of Allah. Each of them conveyed the truth to their communities and conveyed the commands of Allah to people with patience and determination. In this video, you will discover the difficulties they faced, the advice they gave to their communities and the exemplary behavior they displayed, with sections from the lives of many prophets from Hz. Adam to Hz. Muhammad. The lives and invitations of the prophets shed light on strengthening our devotion to Allah and renewing our faith. In this video, we follow the traces of the prophets mentioned in the Quran and examine in depth the lessons and teachings to be learned from their lives. #ProphetsMentionedInQuran #HistoryOfProphets #Islam #Quran #LivesOfProphets #ProphetMuhammad #ProphetJesus #ProphetMusa #ReligionAndFaith #IslamicKnowledge #Muslim #Islam #ProphetStories #JourneyOfFaith #IslamicPrompting #InvitationAndPrompting #Prophets #Companions #HistoryOfIslam #Faith #Muslim #IslamicKnowledge #Quran #Hadith #Religion #Miracles #CompanionsStories #ProphetStories #Islam #MuslimHistory #ProphetAndCompanions #Prophets #Quran #Islam #Religion #IslamicKnowledge #Spirituality #Interpretation #HistoryOfIslam #HolyBook #HistoryOfProphets #SahabahLives #AgeOfSaadet #IslamHistory #Prophet #FaithAndCourage #LoveOfSahabah #IslamicContent #ForMuslims #JourneyOfFaith #InspirationalStories