The Portuguese and Spanish discoverers of the interior of Paraná. The founding of Paranaguá and Curitiba. The Paraguayan province of Guairá, which occupied 80% of the area of present-day Paraná. The Guaranis and the Caingangues, who they were and how the two main peoples of Paraná lived before contact with the Europeans. The Route of the Tropeiros. The Emancipation of the Province of Paraná and the Baron of Antonina. The Saga of the Founding of Guarapuava. Klabin in Telêmaco Borba and industrialization. The support of the most populated municipality, Castro, for Curitiba to be the capital. The cycle of yerba mate. The Contestado War. All this and more in precious images, contextualized based on rigorous historiographical research, dispelling myths and describing how the civilization of Paraná was born and flourished.