The arrival of the King and Queen of the Netherlands in Yogyakarta is part of a series of state visits to Indonesia. Previously, King Willem Alexander met President Jokowi at the State Palace on Tuesday, March 10, 2020. The arrival of the King and Queen of the Netherlands was immediately greeted by the daughters of the King of the Yogyakarta Palace, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X at Regol Keben or Sri Manganti. Four of the five daughters of the Sultan were seen welcoming them. Such as Gusti Kanjeng Ratu (GKR) Mangkubumi, GKR Condrokirono, GKR Hayu, and GKR Maduretno. Accompanied by the princesses of the palace, the King of the Netherlands was escorted to Regol Donopratopo. At Regol Donopratopo, Sultan HB X and his consort, GKR Hemas were waiting. Sultan HB X was seen welcoming them wearing the regalia of the pink flower-patterned surjan takwa clothes. Sultan HB X also wore the regalia of the Kanigoro hat or kuluk. The King and Queen of the Netherlands then together with Sultan HB X walked towards Gedong Jene, which is the King's usual place to receive state guests and hold closed meetings. At around 11.23 WIB the entourage of the King and Queen of the Netherlands and the Sultan headed to Bangsal Kencono. They then watched the Beksan Lawung Alit- Lawung Jajar dance.