Series: Introduction to Reformed Theology (7/17) [The Doctrines of Grace] Presentation date: July 15, 2018 Don't forget to subscribe to receive the latest videos! Follow us on our social networks: Facebook: / iglesia-bautista-reformada-de-guadalajara-... Study Summary: The theological deviation of Arminianism allowed 17th century Christians to better formulate the doctrine of salvation. This formulation was captured in what is known as "The Canons of Dort." They are called "canons" because they are considered non-negotiable principles; and "of Dort" because they were drafted in the Dutch city of Dordrech (also known as Dort). This document was the response of 84 Reformed ministers who met for approximately 100 sessions to give a response to the five Arminian points. From this response emerged the five points of Calvinism or the doctrines of grace.