Hispania was, on several occasions, the scene of these wars, first under the rule of Sertorius (83-73 BC) and then between Pompey and Caesar. In this conference we will address the first stage, the first civil war in Hispania. The conference will focus on the Civil War that took place between 75-72 BC. C., to Gnaeus Pompey the Great against the rebel general Quintus Sertorius in the Iberian Peninsula, especially in the Levantine lands, with the destruction of Valentia, the Battle of Saguntum... Speaker: Gregorio Muelas Bermúdez, writer and graduate in history from the University of Valencia Facebook: / ateneovalencia Twitter: / ateneovalencia Linkedin: / mycompany Instagram: / ateneovalencia Youtube: / ateneomercantildevalencia Web: https://www.ateneovalencia.es/ EMail: [email protected] #RomanEmpire #Hispania #Pompeius #Sertorius #Conference #AncientRome #History #GregorioMuelasBermudez #Rome #assassinated #GnaeusPompeiustheGreat #CivilWar #Wars #Lusitanians #QuintusSertorius #Sulla