Owen is 13 years old, he was born with a leg that was too short. He has undergone multiple operations and hospitalizations. As for Charlie, 12 years old, she was born with brittle bone disease which is gradually deforming her skeleton. Both are followed in the rehabilitation department of the musculoskeletal system and spine of the child at the hospitals of Saint-Maurice. #health #food #surgery Find more videos on your health on https://www.allodocteurs.fr/videos/ For more videos, subscribe: / @allodocteurs Testimonials, articles, expert advice in video… Find Allo Docteurs on the Web and on Youtube. You can also find the latest news from all our shows on France Télévisions: Le Magazine de la Santé, Monday to Friday at 1:40 p.m. on France 5 Enquête de Santé, on France 5 Prendre soin de vous, on France 2 ➡️ Follow us to find out about your health and discuss the major social debates without taboos.