☘️ Piriformis syndrome, which is called HIP PAIN, is also quite confused with a herniated disc ???? ???? I have prepared exercises that you can treat yourself at home for you ???? ???? It is a condition where the sciatic nerve is compressed. The nerve called sciatica is the longest and thickest nerve in our body. It allows many muscles in the leg area to work. For this reason, problems are experienced towards the leg. ☘️ It can be compressed when the muscle goes into spasm while passing through the piriformis muscle in the hip area. ✅ We need to stay at the last point for at least 15 seconds for the stretching exercises to be effective. Be careful not to arch ???? ???? If you found it useful, don't forget to like it and subscribe to my channel ???? ☘️ Let's meet in the comments for what other ailments you would like to see exercises ???? ???? Stay healthy ???? #sciaticapain #sciaticnervecompression #piriformissyndrome #hippain #physiotherapist #giresun #ordu #piriformisstretching #legpain #piriformis #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #pain #siaticpain #siaticnerve #siaticnervepain #siaticasucksa