Hip bursitis or trochanteric bursitis can present several symptoms and treatment options. Hip bursitis is one of the main causes of hip pain. ????Hip bursitis or trochanteric bursitis is an inflammation of one or more bursae that are located in the hip. The trochanteric bursa is the most commonly inflamed bursa. It is called trochanteric bursitis. ????Thus, trochanteric bursitis is the most common cause of hip pain and is often associated with hip tendonitis. Left hip tendonitis and right hip tendonitis can be associated with hip bursitis. Many people have tendonitis in the left hip. Others have tendonitis in the right hip. Sometimes hip bursitis and tendonitis occur in both hips. ????Hip bursitis symptoms ????The main symptom of trochanteric bursitis is pain on the lateral side of the hip, which may radiate to the lateral side of the thigh. This pain may worsen when the patient tries to open their legs against resistance, or when they cross their legs, or when someone directly palpates the lateral region of the hip. ???? The pain of trochanteric bursitis may worsen with certain activities such as: Crossing the legs. Lying on the affected side. Sitting for long periods. Standing for long periods. Going up and down stairs. Running. Squatting and standing up. Opening the legs against resistance. ❓What is bursitis? ???? Bursae are sacs with gelatinous contents that are located in various joints of the body and that facilitate the sliding of muscles and tendons during movement. There are bursae around the shoulders, knees, elbows and hips and all of them can become inflamed and cause pain. Inflammation of these bursae is called bursitis. Hip bursitis treatment: The orthopedic specialist in hips will guide the treatment. How to treat hip bursitis? How to treat hip tendon? There are several treatment options. It may be necessary to use medicine for hip bursitis. Is there a cure for hip bursitis? In most cases, yes. Hip bursitis exercises that can help. ????⚕️See more information about hip bursitis in the video! See more information on the website: https://www.danielrebolledo.com.br