V.S.P.O.! Permission number: 01125 00:00 I'm here for a job! 01:17 Miya gets left behind 01:45 Ichinose Uruha has a company interview 04:32 Hina gets her name mixed up with Komori Meto 05:05 Shimiya Runa gets mistaken for a gorilla 05:55 President Ichinose Uruha wants to have a meeting 06:39 Ichinose Uruha scared of her own screams 07:07 You're so restless, aren't you? 07:32 Taming insects in a hurry 09:10 A really shitty meeting (thumbnail) 10:34 Poop!!! 11:50 Hina's vice president faints 12:31 Shimiya gives President Ichinose Uruha mental care 13:45 The useless President Uruha 15:13 Uruha & Runa are super excited Original video [ARK] Let's go to the Ark!!! [VSPO! / Shinomiya Runa] https://www.youtube.com/live/aHIP0NDg... Channel @uruhaichinose @hinanotachiba7 @shinomiyaruna Tags #IchinoseUruha #TachibanaHinano #ShinomiyaRuna #VSPO #Cutout Music used BGMer https://bgmer.net