This program is a talk variety show where Yoko Hikasa and Ayane Sakura, who can talk for hours if left to their own devices, talk for exactly 30 minutes without allowing for digressions. Membership has finally begun! From the broadcast on November 9th onwards, the exclusive video with bonus content will only be available to those who have registered for membership. *The version that can be watched for free is the version without the bonus content. Please register for membership. / @yodan.yurusanai [Broadcasting Dates] Nippon Cultural Broadcasting Every Tuesday from 1:00 a.m. Nippon Cultural Broadcasting A&G Every Thursday from 9:30 p.m. Internet Radio Station <Onsen> Every Thursday from 10:00 p.m. Youtube Every Thursday from 10:00 p.m. [Official X] @yodan_yurusanai [Personalities] #YokoHikasa #AyaneSakura #yodan #joqr #NipponCulturalBroadcasting #agqr #Onsen #YokoHikasa #AyaneSakura