https://bertrandsunivers.com I'm honored... I'm proud! Colonel Asbjørn Lysgård agreed to talk to me. In the conversation we talk about the military, admission to the special hunter, foreign missions, the war in Ukraine, and much, much more. #erikbertrandlarssen #bertrandmodellen #mentaltrening #helvetesuka #solotothesouthpole – Thanks for watching! / @bertrandsunivers Here you can find me elsewhere: LinkedIn: / erik-bertrand-larssen-310848135 Instagram: / erikbertrandlarssen TikTok: / erikbertrandlarssen Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... __________________________________________________________________________ I am trained civil economist, commander and paratrooper. In the autumn of 2021, I myself went for a big personal goal. From the ice edge of Antarctica, I walked 60 days - all alone - 1,360 km to the South Pole. I want to be an inspiration to others. I think it's important to find your goals and dreams, and dare to go for them! You have to define yourself what your goals are, and if you don't know, maybe I can inspire you to find them. Change is possible! I think that makes me better at teaching. I myself seek the extreme and the contrasting in order to live strongly. I've made my mistakes, had my downs, but it's about learning to get back up. I have learned from others all my life, but certainly also use my own experiences in my work as a mental coach. I have spent most of my adult life understanding how to use your mind to become a better version of yourself. Making small changes can have big consequences for the rest of your life. The books Bli Best, Helvetesuka, NÅ and Mental Rehab have sold over 600,000 copies at home and abroad.